Walking/Hiking Safari

Serengeti National Park

The Serengeti is well known by its World Famous wilderbeest Migration and  its one of the best wildlife viewing in the world. In serengeti there is some Areas where the game drives Vehicles  are not allowed to visit where you will have the chance to do a walking Safaris in different Terrain, Low Acacia woodland which provides cover, the scatered Rocky Kopjes which looks wondrfull and different.

Best time to walk in Serengeti
Through out the year Serengeti has got  different walking Areas that can be selected. During the dry season the July to October you have the chance to walk far north of Serengetiand catch the Drama ofmillions wilderbeest and later on during the Green season when the herd is heading to the south also you have a chance to do walking Safari athe Central Serengeti a stunning Location for a wonderful game viewing.

Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority
Ngoro ngoro Conservation Area with the Largest unbroken Caldera in the world, you will Have the chance to walk along the Crater Rim eploring  the Diverse land scapes, the view of the Crater, Wildlife and Meet the Local Maasai who live in tjhis Area.
Our other Hiking including Oldonyo Lengai, an active Volcano in Tanzania, Empakai Crater and Olmoti Crater all at NCAA.

Arusha National Park
A walking safari is an unique and thrilling experience and a chance to be up-close with wild animals, face to face. The best way to experience it is on foot.  Arusha National park has some of the most spectacular scenery you can feast your eyes on.

Many visitors come here hoping to spot the elusive colubus monkey. Giraffes majestically walk through the landscape and other animals like buffalo, zebra’s, warthog, and blue monkeys are waiting to be spotted. This day-trip is a great for bird-spotters, as Arusha has a great variety of birds like trogons, starlings, turacos and thousands of migrating flamingos