Serengeti Wildebeest Migration

Famous the Africa’s race for life. It is about 800 km journey of the immerse herd of wildebeest roughly two million wildebeest only in Serengeti National park. It starts in Southern Serengeti when wildebeest calves are being born. Provide opportunity for predators like lions, hyenas to hunt the babies.

The timing of the migration coincides with greening of nutritious grasses on the short-grass plains during the wet season. These areas are safer because predators can be easily spotted making it an ideal place for calving. However, the plains dry and the wildebeest are forced to move in search of greener pastures in the western corridor.

The northern extension of the ecosystem has the highest rainfall, but the grasses are least nutritious. This is the dry season retreat for the wildebeest, at least until the south becomes green again. The result is a clockwise movement from the south, west, north, and back to the south.